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UMRAH CLOTHES FOR MEN AND WOMEN The term ‘Umrah clothes’ is commonly understood as Ahram clothes. The sacred pilgrimage of Umrah involves entering the state of Ihram, which means ‘not to desecrate’ in Arabic. Wearing proper Ihram clothes is an essential part of performing Umrah as these clothes symbolize the unity of Muslims. Intending to eliminate the economic and social divide between the pilgrims, Ihram clothes signify that all men, no matter their class or status, are equal before God. UMRAH CLOTHES FOR IHRAM RITUALS When it comes to performing Umrah or ‘minor pilgrimage,’ it is essential to enter Ihram, which is a sacred state of devotion and purity. To enter Ihram, it is obligatory to wear Ihram clothes. There are certain rules that must be followed while selecting Umrah dress for males as well as females. 1. Imrah Clothes For Men Upon entering Ihram, before performing the sacred rites, men must not wear sewn clothes. Umrah clothes for men include a special white garment that consists of two seamless towelling fabrics or sheets. Rida: the smaller sheet goes over both or one shoulder. It should cover the left shoulder at all times. Make sure that the right shoulder is left exposed while performing Tawaf. Izar: the larger sheet goes around the waist and is cinched with a strip of fabric torn from Ihram material or a belt. It covers the area between the feet and the navel. Men are not allowed to wear socks or underwear. Also, they must keep their heads uncovered. 2. Imrah Clothes For WoMen Unlike men, the rules regarding Umrah clothing for ladies are not as rigid. Women may wear any type of clothes to enter the state of Ihram as long as they are neat and clean. Women are free to wear any colour as long as their entire body is covered by cloth – except for their face and hands. The majority of the women in Ihram wear white or black Hijabs and Abayas. Women’s Umrah clothing can include shoes and other types of closed footwear. Women are also allowed to wear socks in the state of Ihram. IDEAL UMRAH CLOTHES ACCORDING TO MAKKAH WEATHER The weather of Saudi Arabia can prove to be very hot at times. So, try to pack clothes made from a mixed fabric to ensure breathability even in the scorching sunlight. Usually, going with plain cotton clothes is the best option. Avoid wearing black clothes. Although black colour is not forbidden, it absorbs heat quickly and can turn out to be uncomfortable. Umrah requires devotees to walk long distances, so it is advisable to pack light. Pack only necessary clothes to make the bag easy to carry. Choose clothes that can be easily washed, require little to no ironing and are appropriate for the journey. Couple Packing For Umrah: Tips For Choosing Comfortable Umrah Clothing For Women The weather in Mecca is extremely hot in summers. Make sure that the fabric of the clothes is breathable. Pack at least three sets of Abayas since they will be worn multiple times and may get dirty or torn. White colour may become a little transparent in the sun, revealing the body. So, it is essential to make sure that the fabric of the clothes is thick enough to prevent any exposure. CULTURALLY ACCEPTED DRESS CODE FOR UMRAH For Men: Before entering into the state of Ihram, men typically wear either western clothes (full sleeves shirt and trousers) or traditional attire from their home countries. The Saudi Jubbah, Thobe and the Indo-Pak Shalwar Qameez serve as the most suitable everyday clothing choice for men. For Women: Women should dress conservatively in long, loose-fitting clothes. They should cover their hair with a Hijab instead of a loose scarf. Although it is not mandatory, wearing an Abaya made from a soft, breathable fabric is an ideal choice for women since it is loose, non-transparent and doesn’t reveal the body’s figure as well as ensures comfort in the hot weather. Alternatively, women can also choose to wear Indo-Pak Shalwar Qameez or any other cultural attire. Men In White Thobe Makkah Men dressed in tradition thobe standing at a mosque in Makkah COMFORTABLE FOOTWEAR FOR UMRAH Since Umrah requires a lot of walking, choosing the right footwear can go a long way in making it easy for your feet. Uncomfortable shoes can tire you and may result in swelling, blisters and unnecessary pain. Umrah Clothes Footwear Muslim men in clothes & footwear suitable for Umrah Regards Royal Trade India For Booking / WhatsApp:- +917081221212 | +918090096005 | +919889053221

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